It was one of those days. Friday was my Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day. The short version: After making a turn on a blinking green arrow, I was pulled over. The police officers said “In this country, blinking green means you must stop”. No it doesn’t, and this was the second time this week that I’d been pulled over for running a light when I hadn’t. I was not the respectful person that the officer wanted me to be…in hindsight, the way that I should have been. After threats of taking me to jail and threatening to take my car, a couple hours of our time, and more “fine” money than we would have liked, I was on my way. I am very thankful that I had several people come to my rescue (Matt, Mama Jackie, Lucas).
Some time at Tarangire was just the yang that I needed to counteract the yin. Matt, Ashlyn, and Anderson went out Friday afternoon. Tierney had her first OP (Outdoor Pursuits) trip this weekend and she needed to be dropped off on Saturday morning, so I stayed with her…more on her trip later.
For sure the highlight of the weekend was when elephants decided the food was better in camp. After lunch they hung around for awhile and we couldn’t get back to our tent (naptime?!). The same group came back that night and parked themselves between mine/Anderson’s and Matt/Ashlyn’s tents. We could have reached out and touched them. 2 hours of them shaking acacia pods from the tree and chomping outside our tent. Anderson (and Matt) thought the noxious fart was hysterical. We got reports later that other friends saw lion walking down the walkway in the middle of the night, too. Cool!
Tarangire sundowers make it better. All is right in the world again.
Tierney had her introductory trip into the OP program while we were on safari. While technically not a backpacking trip they were required to hike with their full packs and everything that they needed for the trip had to fit in it. By all accounts from Tierney, it was a fun trip, and she’s looking forward to the next level trip in November.
And we were thinking of Fiona on her 7th birthday .
(Photo idea credit to Matt and Ashlyn)