Monday, March 1, 2010

Arusha Street Shots

Here are a few shots from when I was out running errands yesterday. All were taken surreptitiously out the car window because the local people aren't too fond of people photographing them (especially Maasai).

I can't seem to get descriptions to align with photos, so below there are photos of men bringing grass to their cattle in town (cows or goats most likely), the carts that men are carrying all sorts of things (logs and barrels below, but often furniture, fruit, shoes, crates..), local Maasai (they are everywhere), one of my favorite supermarkets (Pick 'n Pay), the dirt shortcut we take to avoid town traffic, breadfruit (which I hear is nasty, but I haven't actually tasted yet...I'm sure my curiosity will get the better of me one of these days), and other random street scenes.

Mama Jackie is making roast chicken for dinner tonight in celebration of the Banks' shipment arriving (I'm jealous, but also sort of dreading the arrival of ours). Too bad Matt is in Kenya and won't be here to enjoy it.


  1. Shipment? You have your air shipment though right? You are just waiting for ground?

  2. Correct. Apparently the boat arrived in the capital (Dar Es Salaam) on Feb 20, so theoretically we should have it very soon. Hoping it comes next week otherwise Matt's in Kenya again and I don't want to deal with it all by myself.

  3. Nice undercover work Lisa. Way to get the in town shots. I hope your stuff arrives soon.
