Monday, June 14, 2010

Matt's 40th birthday celebration

After almost 2 weeks "in the bush", Matt made it home in time to celebrate his 40th birthday. (Sounded like an amazing trip in Northern Kenya, so maybe I can get him to document it). Thanks to Joey (watching the kids) we were able to get out for a 2 hour mountain bike ride right from our house. We had no route/direction in mind, so we just started riding. We started out riding through some small village areas where it seemed as if everyone was dressed and on their way to church. The children always yell 'mzungu' or 'wazungu' (basically white person/people) as we ride by...not in a derogatory sense either. About half of the time this is followed by "give me money", but often they are just happy to wave and say "hello. how are you? I am fine" (all said quickly in succession). They are so cute. We rode through some beautifully green rolling hills and through a dried river bed. It's so nice to be able to go for a mountain bike ride right from the house. Yet another reason we are so happy to have chosen a house on the far west side of town. We ended the day with a good 'ol fashion American bbq with friends at the house. Pulled bbq chicken sandwiches, potato salad, coleslaw and chocolate cake...of course with beer, wine and a Tanzanian attempt at mango margaritas. Overall a very successful day. Happy 40th, Matt! I love you.

And because they are so cute:

Samuel (new gardener) and Mama Jackie trying their best to teach me Kiswahili noun classes and verb conjugation - ugh!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a great party! Way to go with the verb conjugation too Lisa!
