Saturday, March 26, 2011

Sungura Nyumbani

Proven wrong.  Rabbit house is done!  The roof was put on just as the rain started.  Nice work Matt and Samuel (with some help from Alex, too)!


  1. No Comments? c'mon.
    This was the best rabbit hutch I have ever built in Tanzania in 5 hours for $62 in materials with 5 kids 'helping' and hot tropical sun and no cold beer in the fridge. The woman who sold me the wood showed Alex and me the Gov of Tanz deforestation permit she had for $300 each year. Who's Alex? A friend who visited for the weekend. found out he's a Yankee fan so we're not going to invite him back.

  2. I agree with you Daddy I think it is the best hutch you have ever bilT. Do you know what I said to the chikins I said your hutch is a very good hutch because it is wholemade by other people but the Rabbits hutch is better because it is wholemade by us.

  3. Ah- she's so smart!!!!

  4. Tierney, Ashlyn, Anderson, Lisa and Matt:

    GREAT hutch! I have often thought that rabbits and chickens should live close to each other! I am sure the bunnies are delighted that the rooster(s) are gone! Wonderful construction!
    Congratulations and love all around!

