Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Snowball fight in July? Why not.

After a completely uneventful travel back to Colorado we were headed up to Leadville in less than 24 hours.  We thought the time there would help us recover from the jet lag and…well…help us adjust in general.  I think for the kids the real jet lag impact hit on day two, but long naps and lots of outside time helped get them adjusted.  We’re still waking up before 6 am, but not by much.


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High Country here we come!


Our one mile ‘walk’ turned into a 3+ hour adventure.  Good thing we have such amazing adventurers. 

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Snowball fight!

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You lookin’ at me?

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Oh, how we’ve missed you, Colorado.  It’s good to be back. 


1 comment:

  1. It looks like so much fun! I see Kofi too- did he enjoy it as much as it looks
