Sunday, May 13, 2012

Mother’s Day Triathlon

Matt and I both participated in a sprint triathlon at TGT this morning.  I did the bike as part of a team, but Matt did the whole thing by himself – his first triathlon and he won! This despite the fact that he did two extra swim laps and went too far on the bike before turning around. (Our women’s team would have come in 2nd [passed in the final stretch] if teams were separated into men’s and women’s categories).  Fun family day as the kids cheered us on and we stayed for the lunch and festivities afterward.  Despite the cold and rainy weather we all had fun.


(And you know you are not in the US when we can tell the kids before the race that “Mommy and Daddy are both going to be racing at the same time, so make sure to stick around and cheer until we’re done”)

1 comment:

  1. Hi,
    I just found your blog as I was searching for Triathlons here in Tanzania! Love your families adventures. I am also from the US living in Tanzania but in Dodoma. Your post came up on google and I see this is from a few years ago, but will this event be taking place again this year or do you happen to know of any triathlons here?
    Thanks so much!
