Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Outing to Maji Moto

Maji Moto literally means "Water Hot" in swahili, but in this case we're talking about the hot springs that are just outside of Arusha near the Kilimanjaro airport. Unfortunately, Tierney and I did not make the travel team (as my dad used to say). Tierney was sick, so I stayed home for some quality time with her while Matt and the A's joined up with the Banks and another family with their kids Jack and Acacia. Sounded like a great time swimming in the hot springs, lounging in the shade and having a picnic. I think we'll have to head back sometime so that Tierney and I can go.

On Saturday, Matt, David and I went out for a 3 hour mountain bike ride. It was great fun except for the double flats for me and when I hit a goat and went down. No harm done to me or the goat (my friend Rebecca said "mmmm, nyama choma" which is the grilled meat that they eat around here). I was telling Matt that it felt much like a normal Saturday morning was for us pre-kids....truck loaded with bikes, listening to loud music, headed off on an adventure. Matt was quick to point out that our Friday night was nothing like our pre-kid Friday nights though (kids in bed early, us in bed by 8:30 to watch a movie). So true.

Anderson has been super cute lately and causing all sorts of trouble. Yes, he climbed up there all by himself and yes, he brought the blanket with him.

(I also finally figured out how to add an email subscription box, so you should now be able to enter your email address in the box in the upper right corner of the blog if you want to get email updates when I publish a new post)

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