Saturday, November 6, 2010

A Typical Day

I realize it’s been a while since I’ve posted - did you miss me? I had a great trip to Colorado and got to spend some quality time with friends and family that I have missed so much. It was also great to be in the office and touch base with the great people that I work with. But, after 3 weeks of traveling, it was nice to come home and settle back into our normal routine. Here are a few pics of what a typical day could look like for me (all pics taken over the course of the week):

Anderson went out and got two eggs from the chickens. One from our baby chicks that have just started laying and one from one of the mommasIMG_0772

Drive to the club for the morning workout and I often see women walking with their wood bundles on their heads. IMG_0779

Family on a motorcycle (see baby head in red winter hat…yeah, it’s about 80 degrees now)IMG_0781

Daladala’s (‘buses’) are everywhere. And are either very pop culture-ish or very religious.


Typical lunches for me: Cabbage with beef, salad and ugaliIMG_0773

Salad, cabbage and chapati (flatbread that I can most compare to naan)IMG_0785

Playgroup for Anderson on Wednesdays where he gets to play with his “girlfriend” Wilma Rosa - who moves back to Switzerland in Dec :(

IMG_0775 And sometimes you just get so tired you need to lay down under the coffee table.IMG_0810

Wedding parade going through town. They all load into the back of a pick-up with the band and play music and honk horns all through Arusha.


Our road/drive-way (the ~1 mile stretch to our house): it’s getting dusty…very dusty (see Kiyah's or Rebecca's blog for more details on that). We can hear the thunder and see the storms over Mt. Meru, but they have yet to reach us.


Another typical obstacle on our road is cows and goats (you can’t see the 6 or so goats that are directly in front of the bumper). The ones you can see had already moved over to the side with Matt wildly honking the horn.


But then there’s home with great views of (now snow dusted) Mt. Meru.

We are the house on the left and David and Joey are on the right.


And (not so typical) fun adventures for Halloween and the fireworks that we went to this week:IMG_0765



FYI - I added a link on the upper right of the blog page under ‘Other Fun Things’ to Ashlyn’s P1 class blog that her teacher, Chelsea, is great to publish for us all to follow their happenings:

And just to embarrass Matt…here’s a link to something posted on the TNC website for all to see:

(Really, I’m just super proud of him and it’s just a bonus that it will embarrass him)


  1. Nice montage! I have always wanted to do this.

  2. While I don't miss the dust, oh no I don't, I do so very much miss you all. Thanks for reminding me why I loved living in Arusha.

    And a big HELLO! to your family.
