Monday, January 31, 2011

Anderson’s Birthday Celebrations

On Friday, Anderson and I made a cake to bring to TGT to celebrate his birthday.  First, he was disappointed that he didn’t get to eat it right away, but we got past that.  After dinner the kids all gathered and started to sing Happy Birthday to Anderson…unfortunately, Anderson did not like the attention one bit and quickly ran from the table out onto the football pitch (soccer field).  We coaxed him back with sparkling candles. 

The kids (especially Ron and Anderson) enjoyed the cake.


Best quotes from his birthday on Friday:

Tierney:  “I didn’t know you could make frosting”

Cole (about Anders turning 3): “Now he talks gooder”

The real celebration was on Sunday when we gathered a few friends and went to Maji Moto. 

It’s amazing how quickly this:


turns to this:

This time we got a little bit braver and swam down the river (in above pic it’s center top).  We’d heard about how it opens up into another huge pool, so wanted to check it out.  Keep in mind that there are urban legends surrounding maji moto that a tourist was eaten by a crocodile many years ago, so it takes on a different feeling swimming down a reed filled river into the unknown.  The current is strong, but we made it and it was gorgeous.  Quiet and peaceful.  It’s probably 2 times as large as the pool above that we normally swim in.  The water is crystal clear and the bottom looks like a giant sand crater.  Matt and Tierney even saw a turtle swimming. 

Birch jumping from a tree

Present and cupcake time!


Ellesmere declared it “The Most Fun She’s Ever Had In Her Entire Life”, so I’ll call that a successful day.


1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday Anderson. Sorry we couldn't be there for the adventures swimming up (down?) river. You guys are certainly more brave than I ever was in those waters!
    -kjd (and Tim and Eleanor)
