Friday, February 18, 2011

Culture Shock? Perhaps just changes in culture

This is Matt, I am on the plane returning to Arusha after a whirlwind 12 day trip to the US for work meetings.  I was in California, Boston and Florida.  It was a good trip.  While in Monterey California for a TNC Marine meeting, I had an amazing private evening in the Monterey Bay Aquarium.  Definitely a highlight  - the jellyfish exhibit is beyond description – you should all get there in your life.  Of course the highlight was to have 3 quiet nights in Watertown with Mom, Dad and Zard.  Mom and I had our own dinner on Thursday night – when is the last time that happened?  It was nice as were the family card game and pizza/movie night.  The height of the snow banks was crazy, but spring will come, as it always does – so be patient.  Then onto St Pete’s Beach, FL – an overdeveloped slice of the gulf coast – really in my opinion an example of how develop drives us and how despite all our planning and conservation ethic we often lose the battle. 

During this 10 day trip I kept a running list of the things I reacted to as different than our lives in Tanzania.  Here they are:

10. not saying “Asante” when you are given something – I find it just roles off my tongue
9. brushing teeth under the faucet rather than using filtered water from a bottle or a jug
8. products / services everywhere --- there is SO much (junk) available ALL the time
7. high efficiency – everyone is on smart phones and working constantly
6. being able to plug computers directly into outlets without finding the right adapter
5. not having to ask if we have power today
4. coffee to go
3. sidewalks
2. women dressing to attract attention
1. and my last is a negative one - what a litigious society we are in America.  People don’t talk to each other to solve problems.  They hire lawyers.  It’s wrong and furthers the breakdown of basic human relationships in America.  Thank god for FB to rebuild what America’s overly litigious practices destroy.

And of course the thing that always amazes me the most is Lisa.  She is a survivor.  She deals with the unexpected and keeps the kids fed, happy, engaged while still working remotely.  Police pulling her over for not having the right fire extinquisher, power going off, internet  fading in/out, shopping at 8 different stores for food, school drop-off/pickups… and she makes time to blog… yes she has Mama Jackie to help - but she is an amazing mother and partner for me in our journey.