Saturday, February 14, 2015

Tierney’s 11th Birthday

TCB 11th Birthday Card

In Tierney’s class when it’s your birthday you get to sit in the “hot seat” where the other kids in class ask you anything that they want (you are allowed two “I don’t knows”). 

This is what Ms. Chelsea said about it:

While in the Hot Seat, Tierney not only shared delicious cupcakes with blue frosting, she told us:
"Everyone is my best friend."
"Maybe if I move from America again, I'll move back here."
"One of my goals is to continue having lots of friends like I do now."
"My two favorite movies are Harry Potter and Pitch Perfect."
"If I were to go by a different name for a day, I would be called Liliana." 

And, of course, the best present of all was being able to go to the airport with Lucas to pick up the Goyles. Cousins reunited!

A midnight bedtime did make for a harder 6:30am wake-up on Friday morning for school, but it true Tierney fashion she had no complaints.  After all, it was ‘twin day’ at school and she had detailed plans (down to the shoes, earrings, and hairstyle). 

Tierney with Ellesmere and Ashlyn with Avalon

Twins day

In other news, this is how I found Anderson when I came home the other day.  This boy.  My heart cannot handle this. 

Anderson in tree

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