Monday, May 16, 2011

Baby Bunnies are growing up

The two remaining bunnies seem to be growing well and handle all the “love” that they are given.   They really are super cute.  And given that a rabbit’s gestation is 31 days and they are induced ovulators (ovulate ‘on demand’), I have a feeling we’ll have plenty more soon enough. 


Our pets probably don’t understand how dedicated their caregiver really is.

“Just what I always wanted. My own little bunny rabbit. I will name him George, and I will hug him and pet him and squeeze him... ”

And this is “the gang” before Matt took them out on a ‘fairy hunt’ in the fields and trees near our house.  They leave the fairies treats in the holes in the trees.  They came back swearing that they saw the tree fairies.  Magic.


1 comment:

  1. seriously... i can only check in here when i am feeling all cloud9 about my little american life, otherwise i pine and pine!

    amazing, once again, lis! so happy to see you and your tribe living the dream and thriving!!!!

    love to you from little ole niwot!

