Friday, May 6, 2011

Landscape Field Trip

The girls’ classes had a field trip to the Dorobo campsite in Olasiti (local village) where they could implement some of the things they were learning in school about landscapes.  They were asked to look and talk about different landscapes and the ways that they see people (and animals) using and interacting with the land.  Despite my last field trip experience, I volunteered to go along again.  While not as dramatic as the last time, I did end up with ants in my pants. Literally.  Seems to be the season for the dreaded siafu that make highways through the grass and quickly climb up your legs and start munching away on your skin.  I managed to get most of them, but couldn’t get one out, so I ended up having to duck behind a car and quickly take off my pants to locate (and kill) the offender.  I still had a great time hanging out with the girls all day and watching them learn and interact with their friends and teachers. 

Ashlyn was excited about the field trip, but was very concerned when she figured out that Thursday is also one of the days that Anderson goes to school.  She told her teacher that she didn’t know if she could go because what if Anderson needed her during the day.  She’s so sweet. 

Using Dorobo as a base for regrouping, break, lunch, and games, the kids went for walks to neighboring farms and villages.  For each of the stops they had to draw the landscape that they were seeing.  This included horses, zebras, cows, goats, farms, fences, village stores, women and children out and about, and mud huts.  I think the local kids were more intrigued with us than we were with them. 

1 comment:

  1. What a great experience for the girls! Good to see ISM not keeping the kids contained in the bubble.
