Friday, February 5, 2010

One month!

We left the US one month ago today. In some ways it feels like we just got here, but in others I'm surprised at how much we've learned and how we've just slipped into a somewhat normal routine. Matt thinks that of the 4 of us (him, me, David, and Joey) that he knows Arusha the least because he's just working behind a computer all day. I guess that is one of the benefits of doing half my work day at night is that I have several hours during the day to explore....well I guess, it's not exploring it's really just running errands, but the end result is the same.

This week Joey and I took the kids to the Masai (or Maasai - still not quite sure which is the correct way b/c you'll see both all over town) Cultural Center. We pass it every day to/from school, so the kids really wanted to check it out. The old center is really just glorified curio shops, but it's still interesting to see what might be available around town for about half the price. The new building is gorgeous and is still under construction, but it's more of an art museum. I definitely see us buying some big painting or sculpture from there before we leave.

I also braved the second hand market to try and find Ashlyn a pair of flip-flops. It was a little intimidating and I'm sure I paid more than I should have, but I came out with two pairs of flip-flops and two pairs of pants for me (a challenge in the best scenario when you can't try them on). Very few of the vendors spoke English, but they were all very nice to me and they all found Anderson adorable.

The beginning of the week was "Africa hot" - maybe 95 or so then it rained later in the week which cooled things down 20 degrees - we could even see a dusting of snow on the top of Mt. Meru - almost felt like Colorado.

Today my goal was to buy some simple chairs (think director chairs) that we can use until our sea shipment arrives.. After going to two stores and the builder's workshop we still couldn't find them. Then also grass mats, several stores and still unsure. Bar stools, ditto. Also need a table and bed made - did research, but didn't order anything there either. When I got home I was excited that I had done so much research and now knew where to go to actually buy something, but Matt just said "so, what did you actually accomplish today?"....I think he was ready for a cocktail.

So, technically our house should be ready to move in on Sunday, but we're still waiting for our mosquito nets (or 'princess bed' if we're talking to the girls) and also internet. We can't move without the nets and I won't move without internet. Our goal is by mid-week - yeah! It will be a little rough until our shipment arrives, but it will be nice to start to settle in and not be in an apartment anymore.

Anderson and I stopped and had some coffee and cookies one morning - I love that so many restaurants here are so child friendly and often have playsets and swings for the kids.

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