Wednesday, December 22, 2010


Patterns - The girls have been talking about patterns at school the last few months – patterns in their reading skills, patterns in coloring and life in general. Ashlyn in particular is very quick to recognize a pattern and exclaims with glee “Hey, that’s a patt-er-en” with a cute smile on her face. She is so proud of her own learning these days – she is starting to recognize words and read a bit and gets immense satisfaction out of that. Keeping up with Tierney has much to do with it I am sure, but regardless, it’s great to watch her come into her own and take pride in her ability to learn new things. She is just on the cusp a big reading breakthrough that will provide her with hours of self entertainment.

Here we are at the coast again. Fifth time this year. That’s a pretty impressive pattern in itself. We took a wooden Dhow sailboat to a snorkeling reef and sand island yesterday with some friends here in Pangani. Ashlyn and I were walking on the sand island yesterday talking about the patterns in the sand – the ridges developed by the tides rise and fall – all equally spaced. How did this pattern develop? Who made this pattern? They are all the same. Then she told me– “Hey Dad, the waves are a patt-er-en. The coral and the fish have patt-er-ens. There are sooo many patt-er-ens out here. Isn’t that crazy?”

I started thinking about her comments on the boat ride home and realized the coast does provide patterns for us as a family and for me individually. We love this escape – swimming, napping, walking on the beach. It’s a timeless escape from school, work, reality. Time here recharges the battery, reconnects the family, builds new skills and self assurances. Each time we come each of the kids is a better swimmer and is more daring in the ocean. Yesterday I had all 3 kids body surfing with me (or trying to anyway) in the ocean. It’s a pattern of growth, maturity, widening horizons and self assurance.

Our beach trips are like a 4 day massage. Each day the knots get a little looser, the relaxation deepens, the smile widens, the important stuff in life emerges as I let all the details, drive to excellence and frustrations slip away. Simply living in the present. 100% present. The kids know it too. Of course they do - they are not competing with work trips, long office hours, school schedules, evening conference calls. Coming here is a good pattern for us – one that we will continue because it’s easy and fun and valuable.

Do patterns form more easily without resistance? Do patterns form in life because events linked to those patterns are fun and easy and valuable? But many patterns are formed because of resistance… Whatever the reason for the pattern, I recognize the simple beauty of patterns. Thank you Ashlyn for teaching me yet something else in life – appreciating patt-er-ens.

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