Monday, December 26, 2011

Christmas at Plaster House

After all of the normal Christmas morning festivities of coffee, stockings, coffee, and presents, presents, presents, the kids and I went with the Banks family to visit Plaster House.  The Plaster House is a home for children from around Tanzania to recover in after they have had corrective orthopedic surgery, plastic surgery or neurosurgery for a disability. The children are brought here before and after they have surgery until they are ready to head back home to their village.  We went and brought small presents (balls and trucks that all of our kids wrapped), a gingerbread house, and small cookies and candies.  We had warned our kids ahead of time that a lot of the kids don’t look normal due to surgeries, birth deformities, burns, whatever and we told them to just ask us if they had any questions about what was wrong with them.  I must say that all of the kids at Plaster House were very polite and all seemed very happy.  The kids were so great about handing out presents and candy (especially Anderson, Ashlyn, and Birch) and singing a couple of Christmas carols.  I was so proud of them.  On the way home all of the kids had lots of questions about how the kids got burns and what their deformities were from, but also how it felt good to give to them.  It also prompted some unexpected questions.  At bedtime we were talking about how lucky we are and about how we had lots (!!) of presents and were healthy. Ashlyn then asked me how come Santa didn’t bring the Plaster House kids presents when they were so good.   Didn’t see that one coming, but we talked about how you have to believe in Santa for him to come and the kids there didn’t even know about Santa.  She now thinks that we should just tell all the kids about Santa so that he can come for them next year. 

Much thanks to Joey for organizing the expedition and buying all of the presents.  What a great way to spend a little time celebrating the true meaning of Christmas. 

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